Breaking Wind – Quick hits from the industry for October 13, 2010

Items of interest:

1-“Notes for a speech that Ontario’s Opposition leader could give, but won’t, on the state of the province’s electricity sector

Ontario power lesson – Wind Concerns Ontario

2-“’China Wind Power Outlook 2010′ report expects China’s wind sector to hit at least 150 GW and possibly 230 GW over the next ten years.” (Guess who wrote the report.  OK … here’s a hint – Greenpeace, the Chinese Renewable Energy Industries Association (CREIA) and the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC).)

China’s Wind Power Forecast at 230 GW by 2020 – Renewable Energy World

3-Darn, if Item 2 is accurate, then why this?  “China’s largest coal exploration enterprise, Beijing-based CCGEGC has applied for seven exploration permits to jointly exploit coal and ore reserves in the states of Queensland and Tasmania with local companies.”

Chinese firms agree to explore coal block in Queensland – People’s Daily Online

4-Audra Parker of the Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound explains it well, saying consumers will be needlessly paying billions of dollars in electric bills and subsidies to line the pockets of a private developer.”

Cape Wind Power: What’s Cost Got to Do with It? – The Foundry

5-“Congress seems intent on imposing energy taxes on the American public. First, there was the proposed cap-and-trade legislation; now there’s a renewable energy standard.

Bingaman’s Renewable Energy Standard: Another Proposed Energy Tax – MasterResource

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1 Response to Breaking Wind – Quick hits from the industry for October 13, 2010

  1. Clothcap says:

    Assuming “China Wind Power Outlook 2010′ report expects China’s wind sector to hit at least 150 GW and possibly 230 GW over the next ten years.” is accurate, i.e. installed capacity, 12 to 23 GW is usable energy if they manage to do as well as the UK’s best field, 26% of capacity. Less line losses, less unrequired production due to time of day, less unusable due to variance in output too rapid, less leccy fed to turbines to keep the vanes turning when the wind drops, etc.
    Around 8% of capacity is useful.
    Propaganda just feeds profits for investors like gore CO2 credit co’s (fraudulent iou’s drawn against the west’s public.).

    On 4. Audra Parker: “…subsidies to line the pockets of a private developer” also those banksters, politicians, advisors like Oxburgh of the UK Royal Society and like ilk that have invested heavily in the fraud and are desperate to maintain the flow of cash from the public via energy bills and tax hikes to banksters, finance houses, investors and of course their own accounts. They should be made to repay every penny (cent) defrauded from the goyim. Then break rocks for a time.
    Obama helped gore, strong, soros to establish CCX b4 he became chief sock puppet.
    Gas is the cure for wind. Centuries worth in shale alone.

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